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Saturday, 23 July 2016

How to apply IPO via CIMB Clicks

How to apply IPO - Bursa Malaysia- CIMB Clicks

There are quite a few interesting IPOs that were listed in the market and their performance to date are excellent (Click to see the IPO Performance). I guess there will be an opportunity for us to catch the sweet treat from the capital rising activity of the new IPO.

First of all, who are eligible to apply IPO ?

1.Malaysian resident and citizen above 18 years old.
2.Has a Central Depository System (CDS) Direct Account registered in your own name.
3.Nominees or third party CDS Accounts are not allowed   

3.  If you wish to open a new direct trading account, please click here to make appointmentwe will reach out to you asap. Else, you may apply yourself by click the direct link

Let us get the latest IPO as example, there are a lot good information you can grab from the Bursa IPO Summary and the announcement page.

Kindly take note for below:
1) You may only make ONE share application for an IPO. Submitting multiple applications is an offence under the Capital Markets and Services Act, 2007. 
2) The eIPO application must be made via single person saving account that matched to the CDS/trading account name.
3) The IPO allotment is determined by the balloting process.
Timetable for IPO

Please find below for the Step by Step application at Cimbclicks. I believe that the other internet banking will share the similar process.
Step 1- Please Login to your internet banking, click on Investment > eIPO

Step 2 – Choose the IPO that you plan to apply

Step 3 –  Proceed to Fill in your CDS Number as per the statement– should be in the format of 15 digit, fill up the number of share to apply and Submit 

Congratulation, you are done for the application. You can get the result on the allotment day by checking the status at your online banking account.

How to Check your status 

Or ,you can check via https://tiih.com.my/index.php?p=results 

If the allotment to you is successful, you will get the shareholding on the day before listing at your CDS account. 

Hope this step by step guide is useful to you. Please press the ‘Like’ button on the top right on our homepage and share to your friend.

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